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Keeping You In The Loop!

We will try our best to keep this page updated as Mason's Mom post on Facebook.

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The journey started a few months ago but the news came on Thursday February 8. Journey is documented below.  To follow more up to date info, check out Mason's moms Facebook feed:

2. 8

We are broken but we are faithful!

Mid November, Mason caught a cold - we all had colds over Thanksgiving. Early December we noticed that Mason started having breathing issues - but only during basketball games. He struggled after only a few minutes of playing. We thought it was respiratory due to the cold.

On 12/20, I took Mason to the doctor. He tested negative for RSV and mono. The doctor did a chest X-ray and prescribed prednisone and a rescue inhaler. Later that day, she called with the X-ray results and said there were marks on his lungs. She prescribed an antibiotic and referred him to a pulmonologist. The soonest appointment we could get was on 2/19. I started calling around trying to find someone who could see him sooner. I kept calling Brenner’s where he had the appointment and there was finally a cancellation on 1/5.


They did a spirometry breathing test. The albuterol improved his breathing so she prescribed an albuterol/steroid inhaler. After a week or so with no improvements with breathing on the court, I called the pulmonologist and she prescribed another stonger inhaler, a stronger dose of prednisone, Flonase and singulair. Again, no improvements. Another appointment with the pulmonologist on 1/29 and they did another chest X-ray. After sharing the results with a close friend who knows X-rays, she suggested we see an ENT as soon as possible. I went online and found an appointment the next day with Dr. Sicard, Mason’s ENT in Charlotte who put tubes in Mason’s ears when he was 2 years old. There was 1 appointment available that day. We drove to Charlotte on 1/30. Dr. Sicard looked at his throat through a scope down his nose. He also ordered a CT scan of the chest and neck. Thankfully, they did the scan that day in his office. On 1/31, Dr Sicard called with the results - several enlarged lymph nodes and a mass on his kidney. We needed to get referred to an oncologist as soon as possible. Dr. Bradford, Masons pulmonologist referred him and within an hour we were set with an appointment at Brenners at 1:30 on 2/1. The morning of 2/1, Dr Supples called and asked us to instead bring Mason to the ER as soon as possible that morning. We found out later this was a logistical plan because the ER can do scans quicker and get quicker results than the clinic can. They did another CT scan - this time the abdomen and pelvic area. That day we met with the oncologist and the surgeon. They needed to do biospy surgery and wanted to install a port catheter. They danced all around without saying the “C” word, but when they tell you it’s when your child will need treatment not if - you know.


They wanted to do the surgery that day but could not work it in the schedule. We went in on 2/1 for the surgery. We got to the hospital about 2:15. Masons basketball team arrived around 2:30 and stayed until he was called back around 4pm. Dr Neff did the surgery and took the left lymph node in his neck and placed a port in his right chest area. Results would be back mid to late the next week. During this wait, Mason’s cough has gotten worse, possibly due to the breathing tube during surgery and probably made worse by the enlarged lymph nodes in his chest. We had a followup appointment with the oncologist at 1:00 on 2/8. Masons blood pressure is high and they wanted to check on it. Fortunately and unfortunately the biopsy results are in.


Mason has been diagnosed with Renal Cell Carcinoma. A very rare kidney cancer. We will stay in the hospital tonight for them to control the BP. Hopefully not more than 48 hours. He is scheduled for surgery with Dr Neff on Monday 2/12 to remove the kidney. They will also start him on immune therapy shortly after surgery. He will have targeted therapy medications that we will give him from home after he has healed from the surgery. This type of cancer does not respond to chemo. He has a long battle ahead of him.


Mason’s faith is strong. He knows God is here with him. He is ready for the fight and ready to win!

Please know we appreciate your prayers, love and support and we apologize in advance if we miss responding to a text, comment or call.


The past 2 weeks have been like a whirlwind yet moving in slow motion. We are emotional yet at peace. Our God is all knowing, all powerful, loving, faithful and good! He loves Mason and Mason loves Him!

2. 9

Mason Update 2/9/24

The doctors worked on getting Mason’s BP down to a non-critical number. They accessed his port and utilized it to get a quicker response. Once they determined the right dose, the next time it was needed, they gave it orally to make sure it had the same response.

Dr Neff ordered an ultrasound of the kidney to prepare for surgery.

We got discharged around 6pm and got home around 7pm.

We are thankful to be home for a couple of nights!! Surgery is at 10:30 on Monday

Thank you Gospel Light and our Patriots for recognizing Mason tonight!!!

2. 12

Mason Update 2/12/24 1:30pm

The surgical nurse called and Mason had no trouble going to sleep and was doing well. The estimated time for the surgery could be anywhere from 1 1/2 hour to 5 hours.

I will update as I can.

2. 12

Mason Update 2/12 8:10pm

He's in recovery. Dr Neff said he did great! They took the kidney, the adrenal gland and several lymph nodes. They were able to control the bleeding and did not have to give him any blood. He has a tube in his stomach to try to limit nausea/vomiting. They are glad they did the epidural to limit pain because the incision is large. Dr Neff is on call tonight so he will be checking on him! He may be in intermediate care for a few days.

Thank you for all the prayers! Step 1 is complete!! Pray for healing so we can start Step 2 which is treatment.

2. 13

Mason Update 2/12/24 10:15pm

We are with Mason in Intermediate care.

He woke up when we came in and acknowledged us.

I think the anticipation of seeing him tonight after the surgery was almost as big as seeing him the first time when he was born.

We are not sure how long he will stay in Intermediate care before moving to the 9th floor.

His BP has greatly improved but is still high. They believe the tumor in the kidney was creating the high BP - it may take a little time to return to “normal” but the fact that it is stablizing is a good sign.

We thank you for the prayers today. And we appreciate continued prayers as Mason moves forward in this battle!


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